June 30, 2018 – Sydney, Australia The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA), has filed suit in Australia against D’Aquino Bros Pty Ltd for trademark infringement and deceiving consumers by distributing alcoholic beverages labeled as scotch that were not scotch. The SWA is citing three brands bottled and distributed by D’Aquino Bros Pty Ltd. The brands named…

Saudi Arabia – February 16, 2018 In Saudi Arabia alcohol possession and consumption is illegal, punishable by up to 500 lashes. Yet, it has been rumored that the Kingdom is one of the largest consumers of Johnnie Walker Black Label in the Middle East. In a country where liquor is illegal, the only way the…

November 27, 2017 – Heyuan, Guangdong, China Twenty-two people were reported poisoned by Counterfeit Alcohol in China at the Muse Bar in the sprawling city of Heyuan. Thirteen people were hospitalized with four still unconscious and being treated in the ICU. It has been determined by tests that all twenty-two people were poisoned by methanol…

In the 1950’s a popular bar drink was scotch and water served in a high ball glass. It sounds plain and boring but scotch drinkers obviously knew something intuitively about mixing water with scotch.  In 2017, when everything undergoes analysis, scientists can now explain why adding water to your scotch makes it taste better.  Two…