Alcohol Rehab
The use of alcohol is prevalent today, the need for alcohol rehab is growing. Slightly above 70% of those over 18 years of age when surveyed will admit to consuming alcohol is some form on a regular basis. Regularity varies from daily to yearly. In Western Society the use of alcohol is glamorized. Alcohol advertising depicts alcohol consumption as either sexy, a symbol of success or a sign of manhood. Alcohol advertising has been policed by the Industry itself in most Countries. The enormity of the money that is spent on lobbying efforts by the alcohol industry around the world dwarfs the money that is spent on alcohol rehabilitation advertising and services. The costs of alcohol consumption as a society affects every spectrum of the population. Alcohol consumption adds costs to the workplace through lost production. Alcohol consumption adds a tremendous cost to the healthcare system not only in resources, but also in lives.
The alcohol consumer is as varied as the thousands of alcoholic beverages on the market.

- The once a year drinker, who only has a drink when the clock strikes 12:00
- The very casual drinker, who only has a drink on a special occasion, never more than one.
- The casual drinker, who drinks on occasion, never exceeding a couple of drinks.
- The weekly drinker, someone who considers one day a week their day to drink.
- The daily drinker, someone who partakes every day
- The binge drinker, someone who drinks a lot of alcohol quickly
- The alcoholic, someone who can’t function without drinking
Among the rising trends in alcohol use is the preteen drinker, with various statistical surveys indicating that 7-8% of preteens had alcoholic beverages within the past year. This statistic may be indicative of a problem that begins in the preteen years and continues into adulthood, as a similar 7-8% of those 20 years of age and older surveyed admitted to drinking heavily in the last month. Surveys conducted throughout the age groups show a similar percentage, 7-9% admitting to binge drinking.
Binge Drinking Disorder
Binge drinking is a rising trend. It could be that it is now recognized as an Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), or that there is more focus on a behavior that has always existed but has never been classified. Fraternity Movies such as the 1978 box office hit Animal House showed glorified scenes of Binge Drinking. In 1978 the term Binge Drinking was not a part of the Alcohol Abuse lexicon, but the behavior exhibited in College and Fraternity Movies are the classic examples of Binge Drinking. The Animal House Generation continues to be a statistical factor in binge drinking as even 4 % of those over 65 years old still admit Binge Drinking. Binge Drinking is an obvious Alcohol Use Disorder that requires Alcohol Rehabilitation with counseling to modify behavior and learn the health effects of this dangerous engagement. Parents who have an at-risk preteens or teens who has an Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) should immediately seek Alcohol Rehab for them by calling (888) REHAB-71 to find suitable counselling in your area.
The underage Binge Drinker is seriously at risk when engaging in this behavior, and if suspected, immediate intervention in the form of Alcohol Rehabilitation assistance should be enlisted to alter this pattern. Recent research into the effects of alcohol consumption centers on its detrimental distress on the body and the brain. The brain is not fully developed until age 25 according to most recognized medical research in neuroscience. Binge Drinking at all ages is detrimental to physical and mental health, it is a crisis in underage individuals who partake in this abhorrent behavior. Excessive alcohol consumption is suspected of being a major factor in brain lesions and other cellular abnormalities, it is especially prevalent in those who began drinking at an early age. There is an observation of an increased demand for Cialis generics among these people. As the term Binge Drinking has only recently come into favor, the relationship between Binge Drinking under 25 years old and the findings of brain abnormalities in older adults is strongly suggested although not confirmed. To prevent health complications now and in the future, Alcohol Rehabilitation intervention to change these behavioral patterns should be on the agenda. To find a Certified Alcohol Rehab Facility that fits your situation in your area, Call (888) REHAB-71
Binge Drinking is cited in an extraordinarily high number of Drunk Driving accidents and other Emergency Room Visits due to impaired cognitive reflexes associated with the being under the influence of alcohol. Daily drinking between certain hours every day can also be considered binge drinking, a trend seen in mothers of young children.
Day Time Drinking Disorder
Most expectant Mothers heed the warning to not drink during pregnancy because of the effects of alcohol on the fetus. Statistics show, and Facebook Posts confirm that Mothers are consuming more afternoon wine to relieve the stress associated with child rearing. In 1966 the Rolling Stones released ‘Mother’s Little Helper’ a song about the little yellow pill that was prescribed for stress and tranquility. Wildly popular and prescribed by doctors on request, the little yellow pill was a relief for Mothers from the day to day anxiety. Today it appears that wine has become the new Mother’s Little Helper. The little yellow pill fell out of favor when an overwhelming number of people became addicted. Today with Mothers and other woman who work from home are opening the wine bottle before noon and consuming three to four glasses before the sun sets. Consuming that amount of alcohol in the relatively brief time of four -five hours is considered binge drinking. When it is a daily occurrence it is also Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD).
If you notice that your significant other or Mother relies on a daily bottle of wine, it may be time to seek Alcohol Rehab Counseling. To find a suitable certified Alcohol Rehab Counseling Center in your area call (888) REHAB-71
Those away from the home during the day are tempted by alcohol at lunch and business meetings. Although the drink with lunch seems innocuous, when it becomes a habit, and more than one drink it is considered an Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Signs that your lunch time drink has crossed the line from a refreshing beverage to a need for AUD counseling include:

- You start thinking about the drink before lunch time
- You take an earlier lunch to get your first drink earlier
- You are agitated when lunch and your drink are delayed
- You drink your drink before your meal arrives and get a refill
- Your one lunch drink turns into three
- Your Lunch time drinks are only the start of your daily drinking routine
The lunch time drinker is also suffering from Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Depending on the amount of drinks in the amount of time, this lunch time drinking habit can be classified as Binge Drinking. Most people cannot recognize when they have crossed the line from social drinker into the realm of Alcohol Use Disorder, however, colleagues and partners should be able to recognize the symptoms and have an open discussion about what they observe. One of the hardest parts of introducing a person to Alcohol Counseling is denial. Most people when confronted will deny that that have an AUD.
The common phrases of denial when trying to convince someone that they should seek Alcohol Counseling include:

- I don’t drink much
- I only had a few
- I can stop anytime
- It’s only three
- It’s the only time I drink
Certified Alcohol Counselors have heard all these excuses and more and are trained to help the person to recognize that they do fall into the category of alcohol abuser. If you or someone you know has crossed the line from social drinker to Alcohol Abuser, you can seek local Certified Alcohol Counseling in your area by calling (888) REHAB-71
Alcohol Rehab for Alcohol Use Disorder AUD
The common perception is that Alcohol Rehab is for alcoholics. Nothing could be further from the truth. According to the latest figures from the National Institute of Health (NIH), only about 2% of people with an Alcohol Abuse Disorder are can be classified as Alcoholics. A physical addition to alcohol, is the clinical definition of an alcoholic. Alcohol Rehabilitation for Alcoholics requires clinical treatment along with Alcohol Counseling to combat the physical withdrawal along with the behavioral changes to successfully wean them from the addictive drug of alcohol. Alcohol is a drug, a fact that most people forget because it is a pervasive part of everyday life.
People around the world are captivated by alcohol ads that project the alcohol drinker as having characteristics that are appealing. The ads project people who drink alcohol as sexy, powerful, manly, and successful, all playing on the physiological need for acceptance. The alcohol advertising industry has successfully fought off legal limitations on advertising, unlike the cigarette industry which long ago lost the battle. The alcohol lobby convinces legislatures around the world that they are responsible producers of a regulated, legal product that can also responsibly advertise their product to adults that are legally able to drink alcohol. The self-imposed alcohol advertising ban has been fought for decades by health and anti-drinking advocates only to be met by strong opposition by the Spirits Lobby. Individual municipalities have been successful in banning alcohol advertising on billboards and transit systems while larger governmental jurisdictions have consistently lost the challenge.
The cigarette industry lost their advertising battle when the link between health and the use of cigarettes became irrefutable. The days may now be numbered for the alcohol industry as oncological research is now confirming that there is a direct link to alcohol consumption and cancer. Over the years, studies have been released with conclusions that said a glass of red wine a day is good for your health. The result may have really been that the resveratrol in the red grape was the beneficial component of the red wine and not the red wine. Recent studies are now indicating that as little as one drink a day may be detrimental to your body allowing cancerous cells to form and proliferate. Research continues in the claims and counterclaims of the physical effects of consuming ethanol (drinking alcohol).
There is no dispute on the other detrimental effects of consuming ethanol, tens of thousands per year die from kidney failure related to ethanol. Tens of thousands per year die from liver disease related to ethanol consumption. Tens of thousands a year die from diabetes related to consuming ethanol. The list goes on and on, cancer related deaths are only the newest statistical equation being added to the harmful effects of consuming ethanol.
Alcohol Rehab is a process that teaches behavioral modification, just as there are many kinds of alcohol drinkers, there are many programs and approaches in responsible drinking habits. An Alcoholic, someone who is physically addicted to alcohol may need intensive long term in house clinical rehabilitation, to battle the physiological, psychological, and behavioral changes that will occur in the battle to be free from the chains of addiction. The afternoon wine drinker, the lunch time drinker, the sports day binge drinker, the frat house drinker all need personalized alcohol rehab that centers on modifying the behavior that is leading to their Alcohol Abuse Disorder. If you or someone you know needs Certified Alcohol Abuse Disorder (AUD) Counseling, call (888) REHAB-71 for a Certified Alcohol Counseling Center in your area.
Everyone who is struggling with alcohol needs counseling, although you or they would like to go it alone, studies suggest that those who seek Professional AUD Counseling are more successful in modifying their Alcohol Consumption Behavior and are less likely to fall back into old habits.
Essential Alcohol Rehab for Teens and Preteens
The group suffering from AUD that is most worrisome and who need immediate intervention from a Certified AUD Counselor are the underage drinkers. With statistics showing that those as young as 12 years old are now among the class of Binge Drinkers, Alcohol Rehab is essential. The physical damage, including brain damage that is being caused by drinking alcohol under 25 is irreparable and must be addressed immediately by caregivers and parents. When you contact a Certified AUD Counselor, they will discuss methods of how to get your unwilling youngster to the Counseling Center and get them enrolled in a program where participation is voluntary. As a last resort, parents and caregivers should consider a live-in alcohol rehab facility for teens and preteens that are drinking themselves into irreparable damage to their health, well being and future.
Those that suspect that they have AUD or someone in your life has an Alcohol Abuse Disorder, Counselors can discuss with you an appropriate program tailored to your specific needs. There are as many forms of effective Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs as there are kinds of drinkers. To find a Certified Alcohol Rehabilitation Center that meets your specific needs in your area, call (888) REHAB-71
The mission of is to raise awareness for Fake or Counterfeit alcohol and to keep liquor safe Search liquor enforcement using our map to keep you and your drinks safe. Report any illicit alcohol activity to us using our secure form or by calling 908-845-4777 To get the latest Alcohol Alerts and violation updates in your area Sign-up for emails and follow us on Twitter @SafeProof #DrinkSafe